Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Uppers & Downers .

     Well, I didn't get my dream job as a Crime Scene Technician at the ECSO. I was lucky enough to be chosen for an interview. Who was I kidding, I was going up against about 80 applicants. Some of which probably had experience, a degree, or answered the interview questions better than I did. But even still, in my heart, I knew I wasn't going to get it. It's not that I'm pessimistic...I'm just realistic. And I firmly believe that God has plans for me that may not involve the Sheriff's Office. IF I had gotten the job, I would have been on cloud nine. Literally. I have such a passion for CS and I don't know why. My Father used to be Head of Crime Scene and I would always want to go visit him and look at photos or read about cases. Never have I watched a CSI episode on TV, though. Wow, think of the amazing things that would have come out of me getting the job. WAY MORE MONEY which means MOVING into my own awesome job that wouldn't make me want to throw my alarm clock at the wall every morning... and helping victims. The dead cannot speak for themselves. I won't give up on this dream of mine. I will continue to search the website for job openings and keep praying for an interview and possibly a chance at what I want to do as a career. In the meantime, I get paid to watch the most precious little boy ever born. I get to spend my days tickling a little boy and making him laugh so hard, and I get to watch him learn new things and say new words. I am not a Mother, but yet I have two carseats in my backseat. I am helping my Sister not have to pay for daycare and that is comforting in itself. I do not want my nephew in daycare. Yes, I'm being selfish. I want to watch him. I also get to take/pick Maddy up from school. I get to hear stories about what she did that day, what she learned, who ticked her off that day, and who wore what to school. I talk to her like a grown-up and I firmly believe that is why she speaks so well. We (my family) do not babytalk her. She is so smart and I cannot believe how amazingly blessed I am! What did I do to deserve such wonderful gifts from God??? All of my glory goes to Him. My Creator, my Strength, my Provider, my Friend, My Father, My EVERYTHING.

Good night.


Quote for the night: "So your past might be a little dirty, but your future is SPOTLESS."

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